Friday, May 30, 2008

Peace Like A River

We've really been having some great discussions at Kynetic! This past Tuesday we continued talking about faith, and more specifically this week, peace as part of the faith walk and how we can have peace about what we know God is bringing into our lives. Dayton started off mentioning Psalm 37:4 about God giving us our heart's desires. He then took us to Philippians 4:6-7, which lets us know how to make requests to God, and the peace that comes as a result of the prayful and thankful way we approach God with our desires. (Whic are the desires He wants to fulfill in us anyway -- isn't it great how that all ties together?)

Dayton remind us that it's the peace that passes all understanding -- that means it doesn't just apply to what we think we already have figured out or have partially covered ourselves. The fun/interesting part of faith is that we often have no idea how God is going to work that situation out in our lives -- but we do know that he will. It's kind of like watching a movie or reading a book where you know that the main character/good guy wins out in the end, but you don't know how that turns out. It doesn't take any of the excitement out of it, and when the difficult stuff happens, you know to keep paying attention, 'cause the story doesn't end there. God is directing the feel-good movie of your life. (Okay, completely punny, but yeah, I went there.)

The difference here is that you're involved in this movie making process as well -- and you do have the final say. (By the way, we totally talked about speaking your faith at the last meeting. [/plug] ) Dayton made the point pretty clear: "As a child of God and heir of all that He's promised, you can read and know what He says He'll do for you, but if you don't let Him do it, you're stupid." (Absolutely the best quote of the night.) So how do we stop God from doing what He said He would do for us? By not getting settled with the knowledge that He will do it for us; by losing our peace and our faith about the situation. If we don't believe God's word is true, then we have every right to be worried and stressed out about any and all of life's circumstances. But if we say we follow God (and according to 1 John 5 this is kind of crucial to us being His children), then letting the cares of this world control us is not really an option.

There were so many great points brought up by everyone: everything from "choosing to speak what God says about you and laugh in the face of what Satan's trying to throw at you" to "there's proof in scripture that God wants you to have His quality of life in every area of your life, you just need to find what relates to the area you're seeking." What stuck out with you? What was the point you really needed to hear, or what got you thinking? These discussions continue to grow life long after Tuesday's over -- sound off below, and keep it going!


Anonymous said...

I love the blog!

So deep, I know.


amber said...

Ok, so Tues. night was really good and I think it's really important for us to have peace in everything we face. The discussion kinda follows along with what Pastor King has been talking about for the last few Sun. by encouraging us and not lettting what's going on with the economy, etc. get us down. We need to have that peace that gives us that inner knowledge that no matter what goes on in the world, no matter how high gas prices climb, we still know everything is going to be ok. I had one of those moments recently when God pointed something out to me that I'd never really thought about before but it made me stop and go, "Wow." I may have shared this before but if I didn't, I thought about it and meant to. But anyway, we all trust God without hesitation when it comes to our salvation, right? So if we can trust Him with something that monumental, why is it so hard to trust Him for the day to day things? How can we confidently know we're going to heaven but falter when it comes to believing for _______ (fill in the blank with whatever you're trusting Him for). Does that make sense? If anything, shouldn't it be the other way around?
One other thing I want to mention is the great illustration Alicia used when talking about our lives as being a book. We know the ultimate ending but have no idea what all is going to fill those pages inbetween. When I read a book, I have a tendency to read the last page just to make sure the girl ends up with the right guy. I don't want to have to wait until I reach the end to know what happened. Life, unfortunately, is not like that. We can't just flip to the "last page" and see what all God has in store for us. We have to, word by word and line by line, allow Him to reveal those things to us. But the great thing is that when we have that peace that only God can give (John 14:27), we know everything will be ok.